Trends 使用说明 使用说明 提高图片质量,有利于提高识别准确率。 1. 将鸟儿置于取景框中心,保证其清晰可见。 2. 尽量保证不要有植被、鸟笼等物体遮挡在识别对象前面。 3. 确保光线良好。如果你都看不见鸟儿,那这个app也找不到它。 4. 尽量拍到鸟儿的正面。至少要能看到它的头部。 5. 每次只能识别一种鸟类。一张照片中包含多种鸟类,会降低识别准确率。
How to identify birds easily with Picture Bird
How to identify birds easily with Picture Bird 5 useful tips on how to improve the accuracy of identification Good image quality can help improve the accuracy of identification. 1. Keep bird centered in fram, make sure it isn’t too far away. 2. Try to avoid having vegetation, cages, or other things in front of…
The Scientific Nomenclature of Birds
Trends The Scientific Nomenclature of Birds About 10,000 species of birds exist on Earth. How were they named? There are about 10,000 known species of birds on Earth. The scientific naming convention for these birds follows the standards set in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The basic unit of bird classification is species. If…
How to identify a bird?
Trends How to identify a bird? Birdwatching, also known as birding, is one of the fastest growing hobbies and has broad appeal for the young and old alike. Birdwatching, also known as birding, is one of the fastest growing hobbies and has broad appeal for the young and old alike. It brings great joy and…
How to identify insects easily with Picture Insect
Trends How to identify insects easily with Picture Insect 4 useful tips on how to improve the accuracy of identification. Good images quality can help improve the accuracy of identification. Check the tips below to help you get a clearer picture! 1. Avoid blurry images. 2. Keep the bug centered in frame, and make sure…
The Scientific Nomenclature for Insects
Trends The Scientific Nomenclature for Insects There are more than one million known species of insects on Earth. How were they named? An estimated ten million different species of insects may exist on Earth, of which at least one million are known and officially named. The scientific binomial names of this vast quantity of insects…
How do we identify an insect?
Trends How do we identify an insect? The world of insects is rich and varied. By carefully observing the external structure of insects, we can get to know them better. The world of insects is rich and varied. By carefully observing the external structure of insects, we can get to know them better. Biologists have…
Определение грибов для начинающих
Определение грибов для начинающих Достаточно знать всего несколько признаков, чтобы научиться определять видовую принадлежность грибов почти как профессионал Начинающему грибнику может быть очень сложно разобраться в тонкостях и особенностях разных видов грибов. Науке известно более 14 000 видов грибов — некоторые из них считаются деликатесами, другие ужасно ядовиты, а третьи очень похожи на четвертые, и…
초보자를 위한 버섯 구별 방법
초보자를 위한 버섯 구별 방법 몇 가지 주요 특징을 알고 있으면 전문가처럼 품종을 구별하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 초보자에게는 버섯을 구별하는 것이 두려울 수 있습니다. 과학계에 알려진 버섯만 14,000여 종이 넘기 때문이죠. 어떤 것들은 맛있고, 어떤 것들은 독성이 매우 강한데 굉장히 많은 버섯들은 생김새가 비슷하답니다! 하지만 몇 가지 주요 특징만 알면 전문가처럼 버섯 품종을…
التعرف على الفطريات للمبتدئين
التعرف على الفطريات للمبتدئين إن معرفة بعض الصفات الرئيسية والتثبّت منها يساعدك في قطع شوط طويل في رحلة التعرف على مختلف الأنواع تماماً كالمحترفين قد يبدو التعرف على الفطريات صعبًا على المبتدئين. ثمّة أكثر من 14 ألف نوع من الفطريات معروفة علمياً، بعضها لذيذ جدًا والبعض الآخر سام بالرغم من تشابهها في الشكل. ساعدك معرفة…