
Broadstrike is a type of coin error that occurs when a coin is minted outside the collar due to a malfunction of the monetary press. The collar is a retaining ring that establishes the final diameter of the coin just minted and sometimes also impresses the engravings on the edge. When a broadstrike error occurs, the coin expands beyond the normal diameter, sometimes drastically, because the collar is not in the predetermined position at the time of minting. Despite the enlarged size of the coin, the design elements are complete and centered, with a totally smooth edge.
On the other hand, when a coin is minted outside the collar, and the design elements are complete but not perfectly centered, the error is referred to as a wide off-center strike. In rare cases, this error can be combined with other types of errors. In either case, the edge of the coin will be smooth without any engravings, and the design element is always complete.
It is essential to note that when the design is cut, we refer to it as an off-center strike, as opposed to an off-center broadstrike. Broadstrike errors are unique and highly sought-after by collectors due to their rarity and unusual size.