The Bird’s Guide to Molt Season
How often do birds moult?
Most birds will go through this process once or twice a year. During a molt, the old feathers fall out and new ones grow in their place. There are two types of molts: partial and complete. Think of partial molts like redecorating a room. Only some elements of the old decor are replaced at a time, so the room might look a bit mismatched or incomplete until the next round of redecorating. Complete molts, on the other hand, are like a full room makeover, where all elements are replaced at once and the new decor creates a completely fresh look. Every feather is replaced at some point during the cycle, leaving the bird with a brand new coat of feathers. Different bird species molt at different rates, with some molting more frequently than others. Factors like age, sex, and the bird’s environment can also affect the timing and type of molt.
Why do birds lose their feathers?

Growing up

As young birds develop into adults, they shed their soft down feathers and grow stronger, more durable feathers, including flight feathers. While most birds molt only once during this transition, larger birds like raptors may molt more frequently. It can take years for these birds to grow in all of their adult feathers, with eagles, for example, taking up to five years to develop their full adult plumage.

Preparing for winter

Just like us, birds need to stay warm during the cold months ahead. So, as the leaves start to turn and the temperatures drop, birds begin to molt their old, worn-out feathers and grow new, fluffy ones to keep them cozy. It’s also the perfect time for them to fatten up in the winter months. And, while some birds may have rocked their colorful plumage all summer long, they know it’s time to tone it down and blend in with the more muted winter landscape.
Attracting mates
In springtime, many birds shed their drab winter feathers and grow vibrant, eye-catching plumage. And have you ever noticed that it’s often the males that sport these bright colors? That’s because they’re trying to impress the ladies! It’s like a fashion show in the bird world, with the brightest and boldest colors getting all the attention.It’s just one of the many fascinating ways that birds use their appearance to communicate and attract a partner.
Feather maintenance
Birds get worn out from all the wear and tear they endure, like entering and exiting nests repeatedly or flying for hours during migration. When this happens, birds shed a feather or two and grow new ones to keep their feathers in top-notch condition. It’s like getting a fresh haircut after months of wear and tear.
How can you help?
If birds don’t receive proper nutrition during molting, their new feathers may be weaker and more susceptible to damage. Providing a nutritious diet and clean water sources can help them grow their new feathers, while avoiding handling or disturbing them will prevent stress and injury. So, let’s give our birds some love during molting season and help them look their best!